Baseball Winter Meetings Speaking Gig


I spoke today at the Major League Baseball Winter Meetings to the Professional Baseball Video Coordinators about their online marketing strategy. Having been a charter member of the PBVCA and the person in charge of their marketing campaign in 2004, it was an extremely rewarding experience to hang out with the group again.

BigTuna Interactive has been contracted to serve as the agency of record for the Our duties include re-launching, writing content, and search engine optimization and social media optimization campaigns. As it stands, the current site has a lot of room for improvement. The clients needs have evolved since the site’s initial launch in early 2008, and we are excited to help take them to the next level.

A key focus for will be to position the site as a resource for video coaching in baseball. Social media tools, such as a blog, forum, and a Facebook Fan Page will help leverage the expertise of Major League Baseball Video Coordinators.  The Video Coordinators are excited to give back to the community and to share their knowledge on how to use video to make baseball players better.

The site will also serve as an online reputation management platform for MLB Video Coordinators. Each VC will have an optimized page with their bio.  Other tactics to manage Video Coordinators online presence will be to have profiles on social networking sites LinkedIn and Facebook.

The expected launch date of the new site is February, 2009.